Sunday, July 24, 2011

You are a blessing...

 (sorry I havn't written in a few days/weeks)
On the 21st it was 4 months since GOTCHA DAY, the day you left your baby home and drove in a car with mommy, Anya and Heather. The day I got to skype with you and "meet" you for the first time! 
(Goctha Day 3/21/11)

(Going on a walk 7/8/11)
You have gotten bigger and your hair has gotten longer!

(Gotcha Day 3/21/11)
(playing at the park 7/8/11)
 but your still as cute as can be
(Gotcha day)
(Playing at the park 7/8/11)
You have the same huge contagious smile and amazing eyes that you had 4 months ago....but now I get to see them in person everyday instead of looking at pictures or waiting for new picture to be posted!

(gotcha day)
(playing at the park)
You become more silly/funny each day

(gotcha day)
(Playing outside 7/6/11)
and you make EVERYONE smile no matter where you go!

(Gotcha day with mommy)

(hanging out with Caitlin 7/23/11 )
You are a blessing to our family in so many ways and I'm so glad mommy and daddy said "Yes" when God called them to adopt a little boy with amazing brown eyes and fuzzy red hair!!!! You are the person that makes us all laugh and smile when you do a funny face or when you dance!!!! You are one of the best dancers I know if I do say so myself ;) You sing you little heart out when we listen to music and you clap, yell/scream, and put your hands in the air when we are at baseball/softball games or when we watch "Deal Or No Deal"! You are one smart little boy and you know how to sign "mommy", "banana", "milk", "more", "apple", "all done", "swim", "night night", "I love you" and others that I can't think of right now!!! You also know how to say a few words like "Wow" and "Laura" (your little girlfriend ;))You are an inspiration and one of the best little brothers anyone could ever ask for. I can't imagine my life with out you I don't know how I lived without you before! Buddy, you are amazing I love looking into those brown eyes and telling you that I love you then having you smile back at me.....I waited one year and 20 days to hold you and tell you "I love you" and buddy you know what? The waiting was SO worth it you are more amazing then I ever thought you would be (and I thought you were gonna be pretty amazing) We all love you so much and we are so HAPPY you are in our family! I LOVE YOU SUNSHINE BOY!!!!!!!


~~~~Love sissy Madison~~~~




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